This story was told by a person incarcerated at Tehachapi.
UCI: It is now 7:40. January 19th, 2021. And I would like to, we want to know what’s happening at your facility in regards to COVID-19 right now.
Caller: Yeah. Well, um we’re on modified program. We spent most of our time in the cell. We are, you know, pretty much isolated. We don’t go to work. We don’t have visits. We don’t have dayroom. We’re just pretty much just going by the, you know, we’re maintaining that social distance. And the way we were doing that is, their keeping us basically just in the cell, for the most part.
UCI: And how many people are in your cell?
Caller: It’s just me and one more person.
UCI: And then, did things change quite a bit since pandemic started? If you go back few months, did you see any changes and were they helpful or did they make things worse?
Caller: Um. I mean. I think it’s just definitely gotten worse. It’s much more, it’s a lot more frustrating not being able to see family, you know, just not being able to program like we used to.
UCI: And how are you handling this?