This story was told by a person incarcerated at Pelican Bay.
Caller: Yup. Yup. It’s been – it’s been absolutely no program. Know what I’m saying? It’s been – it’s been no school. It’s been no religious services. You know what I’m saying?
The only program that’s currently operating right now is medical services. You know what I’m saying? And even medical services is being cut short. So they’re really only addressing like serious medical conditions.
UCI: Mmhmm.
Caller: You know? Yeah, yeah. So, yeah. So, yeah. It’s really no type of programming here. You know what I’m saying?
UCI: Yeah.
Caller: And it’s really – it’s very true – it’s really been like that for like the last, for like the last year and a half. You know what I’m saying?
UCI: Mmhmm.
Caller: Now they do let us get outside recreation. But that might be like once a week. You know what I’m saying?
UCI: Yeah.
Caller: Yeah. Yeah. That might be last for – yeah – for like once a week. So, over the course of the last year and a half, you know what I’m saying, I’ve been – I’ve been filing like several complaints. You know what I’m saying? The complaints are called, “602s”.
UCI: Mmhmm.
Caller: A 602 is a CDC complaint. You know what I’m saying? So, over the past – over the course of the last year-and-a-half, I’ve been filing like a billion 602s, complaining about different issues, like officers refusing to wear their masks when they’re passing out the food.
You know what I’m saying? You still got, you still got vaccinated inmates being housed with unvaccinated inmates. You know what I’m saying? It’s like all type of incidents, not – I’ve been – yeah. So basically, I’ve been complaining about all types of stuff.
UCI: Mmhmm.
Caller: And I got like a underlying health condition, which, if I were to pick up COVID in the future, it would like increase my, it would increase my chances of severe illness. I’ve been – I’ve been complaining about a whole lot of stuff. You know what I’m saying? But it’s like Pelican Bay does what they want to do, though.
UCI: Mmhmm.
Caller: You know what I’m saying? And then, they’re supposed to do weekly tests, which they’re not doing. You know what I’m saying?
UCI: Mmhmm.
Caller: They’re supposed to do weekly COVID-19 testing. But they never do. You know what I’m saying? And I think they’re doing that because they’re trying to undercount – I think they’re trying to undercount the number of people who are actually testing positive. You know what I’m saying?
UCI: Mmhmm.
Caller: So, in an effort to do that, they refuse to give weekly COVID, you know, COVID testing. You understand what I’m saying?