This story was told by a person incarcerated at Merced County Jail.
Caller: They seem to, like, they’re doing a normal – they’re running everything normal program, but not giving us our proper things. Like giving us our mail on time, giving us our visits. It’s only what’s convenient to them right here in the Merced County Jail.
You know? It’s what – it’s only convenient to them. They’re only doing everything via Zoom, like courts, because what?
They’re being lazy to show up to court. Okay, but yeah, what about our visits? Like what about – what about our mail?
Like everything – only what’s convenient to them. “Oh, well, we’re not gonna – we don’t have to do this. Any – we don’t have to do that because of COVID.”
All right, well, if you ain’t doing this and doing that, then why? You know, I don’t know if it makes any sense.
It’s only whatever’s – whatever is convenient to these people here, is what – they blame it on the COVID. But everything else is to be normal, but whatever has to make them work harder or do more work is what – is what they use as an excuse.
They use the coronavirus as an excuse, and that’s not right. So, I don’t know if you have any questions about anything else, but that’s pretty much what I, that’s how I feel about the whole situation.