This story was told by a person incarcerated at Merced County Jail.
Caller: But they’re still not giving the equal opportunity to people of color here. People of color in Merced County seems to stay in jail longer than any other race. And I say that it goes from African American to Hispanics to Asians, and then, the Whites get the – get the privilege.
And I’m not saying this under restrictions of a prejudice or racism. I’m saying that this is how the system in Merced County alone is designed. And they go about the way they go about things on their own.
Because, when they – like I said, with other counties in California – the whole state of California opened up, you know, opened up their city. And other county jails and other facilities been getting visits. Even prison opened up for visits. Merced County never opened up for visits.
UCI: Yeah.
Caller: Since this has started in 2019. And it’s 2021. And there’s people that have been here ever since still haven’t seen a visit from their family members.
And Merced County still hasn’t adopted any type of tablet or anything. So you can’t see your family over via Zoom. But they have you – but they say you can video court.