This story was told by a person incarcerated at Santa Rita Jail.
UCI: The first question I have is, what facility are you currently housed at?
Caller: I’m at Santa Rita County Jail, Dublin California, Alameda County Sheriff’s Department.
UCI: Okay, and you can go ahead and start wherever you’d like.
Caller: Okay, well I have fallen victim just like millions of other United States private citizens in California. To the California State Superior Court collective judicatory of state officials along with the other state officials of the California law enforcement peace officers, who are the ones designated-ly in-charge of both probations department; CLETS.
C-L-E-T-S. California Law Enforcement Telecommunications System database, along with the Alameda County probation department; CRIMS. Criminal Record – well, really – C-R-I-M-S: Criminal Record Imaging Management Systems database. That they have been illegally allowing to be errored as erroneous information in accurate retentions of information for the last 30 years, that came out of my preliminary hearing transcript on [redacted].
I was falsely – illegally searched, seized, falsely arrested and falsely imprisoned for me being entered illegally into the CLETS database system. In breach of my plea bargain agreement, I was never supposed to ever be on probation but it was errored that I was on probation. So, I was illegally searched/seized and falsely arrested. Now I – in conjunction to that, I also showed up erroneously errored as AB109 in Alameda County – supervision-er, CDCR, the Department of Corrections and Rehabilitations parolee with a 408 search clause.
And even after I was arrested, 2018, I had my preliminary hearing on [redacted]. I still was showing up as erroneously errored as inaccurate retention of the CRIM database like I was still a active AB109 probationer because the bailiff ran my name during the preliminary hearing in the court session. And they still are trying to illegally convict me and they’re sending me to [redacted] State Hospital to try to hide it, right now.
From the public. Keep it concealed. That’s it. Hello?
UCI: Oh, I’m here. Thank you for sharing. Yeah, well sorry, I believe I took your call last time as well. Do you have anyway to correlate –
Caller: Oh you did?
UCI: Yeah.
Caller: I called back because I called earlier, because I was surprised that you were the same one that did my story last time.
UCI: Oh, yeah.
Caller: Yeah, it kind of surprised me. I wanted to add one more thing to it. They’re trying to transfer me without me even taking a COVID-19 test because of the – of the severity of the corruption that they’re implementing as far as the scandal I was referring to when I – in my testimony. And that’s not supposed to be done. You’re not supposed to transfer unless you have done a COVID test.
UCI: I’m sorry to hear they’re trying to do that. Have they given you like any other information about why they’re not doing the COVID tests or anything like that?
Caller: Well, no. What it is, is when I – like I explained to you earlier – is they’re trying to bury this from being revealed to the public about this – because in my preliminary hearing transcript, which the [redacted] have verified and wrote a letter, extensive letter to the head Alameda County public defender.
And the two public defenders that were involved in my case in regards to the illegality of the court order detention and evaluations in [redacted] Hospital. And verifying that the databases that they admitted in my preliminary hearing that they haven’t had anyone to update or audit these, audit the CLETS database in 17 years.
UCI: I hear ya.
Caller: So yeah, yeah that and then they’re trying to hurry up and get me there to try to keep this from being revealed. So that’s why I reached out to the PrisonPandemic hotline to have this story placed on your website, even if it’s anonymous. I want the public to do the research and find out what these people are doing.
UCI: I do agree that it is very important that – that this information gets out. The only thing is our – the PrisonPandemic is based off of COVID stories, so I’m not too sure if it would fall under COVID stories category.
Caller: Well they’re not taking the COVID tests to try to transfer me during the COVID-19 pandemic because they’re trying to conceal it.
UCI: Alright, I see what you’re talking about.
Caller: So it is during – you know it’s during the pandemic and pandemic related. They’re violating people’s health and public safety by transferring people that aren’t tested.
UCI: Definitely, I see it now, sorry.
Caller: Huh?
UCI: Oh, I was saying – I understand now how it correlates to COVID.
Caller: Oh, okay, okay. Yeah, so that’s – that’s relating to COVID in another way that they’re jeopardizing the public’s interest. You know what I mean?
With the database – it’s one aspect of it and during the COVID-19 epidemic – during the pandemic epidemic to conceal it, they’re willing to transfer a person without ever being – being tested. Because they can transfer somebody that’s infected and infect the whole other state institution of people.
UCI: Definitely. This is a side question to that. Has there been any cases of that going on, like other individuals coming into the prison you’re at right now, and that occurs?
Caller: Yes, Santa Rita had a – Santa Rita Jail has the worst epidemic up north than any other county jail. And they’re getting ready to hang it up. But yeah, Santa Rita County Jail has the worst epidemic of it. Because of these kind of criminal actions that these officials are taking.
UCI: I hear you. Hopefully they do get you that COVID test before you get transferred.