This letter was written by a person incarcerated at Centinela.
We started getting video visits, but that didn’t last long. Any time they get a new positive test result, we’re back on quarantine lockdown. We have no access to self-help groups, religious services, certain jobs, and outside yard activities such as basketball, cards, handball.
We only go out once a week for an hour. No dayroom and they have restrictions on phone use. Fifteen minutes once a week, while 10-minute disinfected waiting period in between calls.
What’s sad is, prisons in other states have reported they’ve given inmates canteen free without charge. Free phone calls, extra quarterly packages, and outside food sales. We was getting free phone calls three, four times a week but it turned into only twice a month.
If the free phone call falls on the weekend A2-B classified inmates aren’t allowed to use the phone. People who refuse to COVID test aren’t allowed the privilege of two packages.
Out of state prisoners are also getting time off their sentences. California is the pharaoh type in the bible who didn’t want to let the Hebrews go. I’ve heard the rumors of that inmates was to be released due to the pandemic but that has yet to be witnessed. But maybe in those prisons that have had multiple deaths due to Covid cases like San Quentin, Chino, and Lancaster.
I haven’t had a visit and I’ve lost my grandmother and cousin within a week apart, without a courtesy emergency call to make to this day. My family don’t have funds for the phone so I rely on letters, which are constantly taking long periods of time for multiple reasons.
I sense no sympathy or compassion cause most guards have trained their eyes to only see the flaws in us instead of the best. Good behavior isn’t rewarded but earned. I’m constantly wondering will I make it home alive to my family safe, with a few years to do.