This story was told by a person incarcerated at Tehachapi.
Caller: Good afternoon. I was calling to tell you about the COVID in the prison. I’m at Tehachapi State Prison and CCI. And it’s a little bit scary in here, you know, a lot of times they don’t enforce the mask rule.
They limited our program, you know. It sucks because we have less program. We have less yard. I get released in about a month and its very scary before me because I’m going out there to the real world and I don’t know what my next move will be.
You know? I know jobs are limited and things are rough, seems like the whole world is getting sick. People are dying and then I don’t know. My family has caught it. I recently spoke to my brother. He has it and it’s a scary thing cause it’s unknown, you know?
Even while I’m in here I’m in the cell most of the time. I’m scared to come out because when I’m next to the next man, even with the little mask on, you know it’s like is he safe? Or is it safe to touch this or- cause there’s no sanitary solutions here. We have no hand sanitizer, so, you know, they clean up a little bit. But how good of a clean it is compared to this disease that’s going on.
And that’s about it. Scary situation and it sucks to be here and it’s even gonna, it sucks to even wanna go out there even though I have the chance to get out and be free. I just want to stay you know cooped in this little cell because I still you know that I’m safe in there and it can’t get me.
I’m happy to see that this came out with a vaccine that I might be getting released next month or in a couple of weeks, that’s good. Thank you though and thank you for everything and that’s my story and have a blessed day.
Keep me in your prayers, we’re all gonna to need it. The whole world needs it. Thank you.