This story was told by a person incarcerated at Chuckawalla.
I’ve seen people that were super healthy leave because they didn’t want to get sick come back all like pale like they just crawled out of a cave and haven’t seen the sun in months, and they came back pale.
There’s been a couple of deaths already from the, from our building. People that we know in our building and there’s still people tripping in uniform in the hospital from outside medical. And they’ve been like a lot of them recover and a lot of them unfortunately didn’t, you know. And it’s just been bad. And they say, they wanna make us social distance and all that.
They, I feel like they act like they care but I really think they don’t because they made us quarantine buildings out of one of the buildings in the yards. There’s three buildings, one of them became a quarantine building and sometimes, at first the cops were real precautious, the officers were real precautious of going in and out of that building with masks.
They took all the precautions to go in and come out, all the sanitation process to go in and out of that building. And little by little they started slacking and going in without masks and shaking hands with officers in that building without gloves and stuff. And eventually it just became an outbreak in the whole yard. And our yard was the only one again that did not have positive cases for like three months straight.
And when that happened, it started just going, becoming an ongoing thing. And there’s still people that go, that get sick and still go man down and go, get taken to us on medical because they have problems breathing, stuff like that.
And then the medical process that they had was just terrible. Like they say that high blood pressure was a cause of the COVID, and it wasn’t. Then when we were in that building isolated, it, the whole process was just terrible man.
The COs were just like yelling at us, screaming at us. It was just stressful, it was real stressful. And I believe that, that was just part of the, part of the I don’t know. It was just part of the I guess it was part of the procedure but the way they went about it was just horrible.