This letter was written by a person incarcerated at Delano.
Hello my name is [redacted],
I am writing you this letter in response to the PrisonPandemic project. If you are wondering how I got this address? My cellie got a letter from you inquiring about pandemic stories.
I will be brief and tell you my experience within a state prison. I arrived here with a 29-year sentence and was immediately got put in a cell by myself. I was put on quarantine for 14 days.
I was not allowed any cleaning supplies to clean my cell, even after asking for them. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner were brought to my door. On the fifth day, we were given showers one at a time.
The shower stalls were filthy, plugged up, and very disgusting. I offered to clean the showers but was told no. We were given COVID tests every three days, and temperature checks every day.
I was quarantined a total of 21 days. I was then put in the general population. I feel CDCR does not know how to deal with this pandemic.
The numbers of COVID-19 cases are rising steadily, and they are constantly moving people around for no apparent reason. On a different note, I am 48 years old, and am concerned about catching the virus. If you are into reading books, I have a book my family sent me about the 1918 Spanish flu.
The book is called The Great Influenza Virus. The book was written by John M. Barry. When people say history tends to repeat itself, this book is a great demonstration of the concept.
The book has pictures from 1918 with everyone wearing a mask, and is a very interesting reading! I have read it three times! Well thank you for listening and if you would like to write back to receive pandemic updates from prison, I would be happy to respond.