This letter was written by a person incarcerated at Solano.
Well I got your address from a friend. Well January 2021, I became positive with COVID-19 due to poor care of prison officials and medical staff. They flooded the building, as well as all the other areas with sick people and place them in our paths. For months, my test results were negative.
Well they moved us to a gym where there was no heat. Shower water was cold. I couldn’t taste or smell the whole two weeks. That was hard. Next, they finally bring us back to the same building with about 10 people that weren’t resolved cases.
I called my mom and grandmother. I told them the situation and I was all right. Then got the news my godmother passed. She was on an air ventilator. That really took a toll on me.
I get out in six years. I want to be able to be a son and are a husband one day. I don’t want to not make it home because people fail us. Our voices are shortened behind these walls. Please keep me and the guys here in prayer. Thank you.