This letter was written by a person incarcerated at Wasco.
Whomever it may concern,
Best wishes to you and the entire UCI team. I appreciate you for taking the time to write and inquire about my conditions of confinement during the COVID-19 pandemic. Receiving your letter made me feel like a kid on Christmas morning, before he opens the presents. It was both a surprise and a delight.
I hope that what I share helps you and others like me.
Have you ever tried to visualize what prison looks like from a prisoner’s perspective? You have probably imagined that there are bars and striped uniforms. However, if you want a more accurate depiction of what prison is like, lock yourself in a bathroom without any communication devices. After that, stay there without any contact with the physical world.
No physical or sexual touch by others; no visitation by friends or family or significant other; nothing to look forward to. That does not sum it all up, but it’s a brief description of what prison is like.
I am 31 years old. I have been incarcerated since 2010. I was sentenced to life without the possibility of parole. That means I was sentenced to die in prison.
The pandemic has had a negative impact on my confinement in several different ways. The pandemic has prevented me from receiving visits with my family. I am barely able to remain in contact with my family.
I was prevented from going to work and participating in self-help groups and religious services. The world has been on a partial lockdown for the past year. I have been on a complete lockdown for the past 11 years. Since the beginning of the pandemic I have experienced a decline in my mental health and stability.
The prison guards and staff have not been much help. They have not been able to prevent the outbreak of the virus. They have only made things worse. I have dental and medical needs that need to be addressed.
However, the medical and dental staff rejects all requests and uses COVID as a excuse. The mental health staff has not been much help either.
The prison guards continue to write prisoners up for rules violations, without mercy, or grace, or truth. The prison guards have moved prisoners and relocated them to infected areas. The prison does not give us any adequate disinfectant solutions. One of the guards bring a bottle of bleach from his home and gives it out.
There has not been a lot of contraband call phones for community use. As a result, there have been a spike in drug and alcohol use.
We are permitted to make collect calls every other day or so. The calls are supposed to be 15 minutes, but 10 minutes of the call is prerecording. Calls only allow the time to say hi and bye.
I was sexually assaulted by three prison guards before the beginning of the pandemic. The prison dismissed my complaint and did not do anything about it. If things don’t change soon, I plan to lay down my life as a sacrifice in two years.
I would call you, but my phone calls are vital for maintaining a relationship with my 87-year-old mother. I hope this helps you. Thank you for reaching out. It warmed my heart to receive your letter.