This letter was written by a person incarcerated at Tracy.
This pandemic has shown me how to have a very strong structure about self and a lot of equanimity. I know prolong solitary confinement could inflict psychological torture. These practices by establishment will trigger exacerbate psychological suffering in inmates who have experienced previous trauma and mental health conditions.
Often irreparable psychological and physical consequences of solitary confinement, and yes lots of social exclusion are well documented. Forms of anxiety, stress and depression to cognitive impairment. All I can do is shelter in place.
While begin in this pandemic there is no safety in here with COVID-19. On any given day staff member bring it in here, okay infect a whole building. Even better you’ll be housed with an inmate that has COVID-19, done a lot in here.
You can not think about COVID-19. You have to wear your mask, stay on guard at all times. COVID-19 is one of many things that will kill you here at this plantation. All the pandemic has done was to give the establishment the power, the keys, to stop educating the inmate about self.
Yes, establishment stop all rehabilitation by taking away all the self help programs. All forms of rehabilitation. So back to the old plantation once again. I become chained to the establishment.
The establishment three through five plantation still overcrowded after the pandemic, still 109 percent of its capacity. So what if the conditions inside deteriorate? The condition for the novel coronavirus to spread rapidly have long been in place in most of plantations have been dangerously overcrowded.
The crisis facing the establishment been around since 1980 and 2006, increased by 514 percent. Very big plantation increased, condition inside deteriorated.