This letter was written by a person incarcerated in Susanville.
With many wrongful things done, like trial attorney failin’ to investigate appellate attorney lie and his mistake led me to not bein’ able to file my issues in the federal court! I have always knew I would find a way out, I never thought negative. What used to be crazy was when I would call my family or friends, they would be like, “Wow you sound the same!”
At first I would be like, why you say that! Until years later, I realized they gave up on me and could not believe I still had a positive point of view! It was a cold feelin’ when you learn they really don’t care for you, how you would them and they knew it! I have had people say I am special but a waste because I am in this place!
The part that froze my hart was when know I am innocent and still do nothing to help. Then they don’t hate on them because they’re free. They say it is harder on the streets than in jail! It’s crazy, I am livin’ in a cell for crimes I did not do. And even with them knowin’, all they show is their back.
I still have wrote them and called them with nothin’ but upliftin’ things that help their lives. I used to write them letter filled with my hart or energy on lines, but when I get their response it was like they did not read my letter or maybe they just did not understand my words. So the way appeared for me! I was goin’ to write myself free.
And shine a light to all the wrongdoing the system has done to me and also how these bein’ from the past and present really are! So I bring the light through my mind, soul and energy, and my close friend: my pen.