This letter was written by a person incarcerated at Orange County Theo Lacy Jail.
Mental health in OC jails in mediocre to say the best. Programs/rehab opportunities are nonexistent. OC jails have zero, zero, zilch, no, nothing, did I say no help what-so-ever for their inmate population. Conservative can kiss my ass. OC jails get sued up and down. So, where is their budget? Where all that money goes?
Is sort of like a corrupt system no one knows about; believe me corruption or evil that is let be it hurts us all. Here in America people are denied a decent hot meal, and resources. Is wrong, and it is so sad to see so many lives going to waste for lack of help. I should know: 10 plus years.
Yours truly.
P.S. And don’t even get me started with ICE. Talk about evil. ICE should not be allowed in OC jails or anywhere. ICE is wasted money. It should be abolished.
And would it be too much to ask for one or two county social workers, sitting in jail helping inmates that are getting release? Get their CalFresh, food stamps, bus pass, shelter info or even rides, all this in an expedited manner? And COVID-19 vaccine and testing here in jail are a total success. I got mine J&J!
May God bless you all in many ways!
Side note: I’m not kidding when I say God needs you. You only need to put motion to your heart, one foot in front of the other and he’ll do the rest.
Is so sad, I don’t know how many letters you will actually get in response, but I doubt much. 75 percent of the inmates I know, do not, do not, do not write English or at all. No matter the race, so many inmates don’t have the intellect to spell.
Check this out: I’m homeless so when the stimulus check was offered I did nothing, thinking I didn’t qualify or that it was help only for people who does taxes. Wrong! Now President Biden signed a new bill and he included incarcerated people, but I only have until May to file!
I wish I would get an early kick, but my point is: so many inmates who need that stimulus and won’t get it. And there’s no help for us! OC and OC jails have gotten away with a lot. But I can see for the first time in 10 years that someone is saying enough is enough.
Yours and yours don’t have idea how much power you hold in a simple pen and paper and you got laptops! Do not doubt your blessings. You are in a higher level of schooling, I didn’t even go to school here in USA (I’m Mexican) but we are all connected somehow. Ignite your inner fire and do your part, I did mine!
Very yours truly.