Salinas Valley
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This letter was written by a person incarcerated at Salinas Valley.
Time sensitive, tonight PBS news hour showed a segment on people with - CFS Chronic Fatigue Syndrome - with an affected person describing the condition, which is similar to COVID-19 survivors that have similar symptoms, that will be diagnosed as CFS after six months of persistence. The point is I am a Gulf War vet - and we have chronic fatigue syndrome also - so here it is.
Vaccines are good for people. However congressionally directed research has uncovered alterations in genetic expression, due to multiple vaccines are carrier fluid that is a cause of genetic polymorphisms. The research advisory committee on Gulf War Veterans illness suggested using saline fluid nasal flooding and there have been at least one clinical trial with limited results from specific saline on specific DNA.
I used this saline from OTC onsite, and I might be the first vet to recover from CFS. (My saline was not acknowledged despite good results.) I have mailed you a label already, the point of this letter is the PBS story mentioned CFS and COVID survivors are same diagnosis as Gulf vets.
Here is tricky part - don't panic public. Vaccines of the past affect COVID survivors that did not get COVID vaccine, because they will live with symptoms due to past genetic alterations from vaccines of past. People that have gotten COVID vaccine and have rare blood clots it's because past and present carries fluid for COVID-19 and whatever past flu shots.
Even if one person dies from a million vaccinated there are several that will live with chronic fatigue syndrome - thousands of CFS people. It is all DNA specific. So if committees from congress had saline formulas limited trials for specific people and a general suggestion to try saline fluid to hydrolize or remove genetic alterations by unbinding carrier fluid from DNA.
Why are they not flooding everybody’s noses that have chronic fatigue syndrome - vaccine related blood clots - neuro inflammations. Because saliva is cheap and harmless. There is a missing link. I personally contacted a committee member trying to share this label and he said. What helps one person might not help others. That is sad logic. Other researchers showed genetic PON 1 enzyme discovery leading other research to exploit genetic manipulation.
Google PON 1 enzyme Gulf War cohort hispanic field workers, I am a Mexican, Irish - broad DNA spectrum. This saline helped my CFS overnite which is believed to be impossible - saline is free here and harmless - miracle remedy being ignored. So people deserve a chance to have at least one professor that will investigate this saline specific formula.
Other saline had limited testing. Why hold out? It’s fuckin saline fluid harmless - cheap. I believe it will erase vaccine damage and remove physiological suppression of thousands of people with chronic fatigue syndrome because I’m a Gulf War vet - honorable discharge and it removed my chronic fatigue syndrome. Somebody is hiding something about vaccine side effects because they are observing what genetic suppression makes DNA site stronger over time.
However, the actual suppression itself can only make DNA site stronger by capping site which prevents DNA site enzyme from flowing into bloodstream. Therefore autonic processes are missing enzyme or piece of natural formula. Resulting in haywire CFS symptoms so saliva would uncap DNA site that was suppressed. If suppressed for long time then stronger DNA expression results from saline uncap.
PON 1 enzyme has already been manipulated in hopes of military use. So the government has good people and selfish people. I am a distant relative of Queen Elizabeth and she is trustworthy. She does not know me personally. However she might be suspicious of genetic experiments of Gulf War vets so please send her a copy or post this label.
Because if the public realizes chronic fatigue syndrome could be results of past vaccine side effects they will panic. However this saline solution was dismissed by a committee member, why? I mailed so many labels to VA even Research Advisory Committee on Gulf War Veterans' Illness (RACGWVI) who suggested basically any saline - non specific - why the lack of interest.
There is a teenager fighting for her life and somebody undergoing brain surgery to remove clots, and saline is being kept close to gout, chest. Why? Please be careful. The current COVID vaccine side effects could be washed out, hydrolyzed by this saline, brain floats in saline fluid. This saline would uncap side effects.
Primary imminent need to help the rare cases now from COVID vaccine. And also thousands of other people with CFS for years now when they use this saline it would remove a chemical psychological suppression and neuro inflammations from years past and they will experience dramatic transformation of released expression, new balance, administer cognitive processing therapy and yoga.
Yoga is because they fuckin know, they mentioned yoga and CPT (cognitive processing therapy), but it does no good without saline washing out DNA site cap. So flood saline - keep in good spirits and stretch their body, CFSers. I believe the rare COVID-19 cases of vaccine side effects have a rapid onset of DNA site caps that is worse than my or other CFS people. Because they are struggling fast, brain surgery.
Please just check it out - what is suspicious is Dr. Fauci mentioned maybe salt in mouth would help or something like that. Separate incident where actual vaccinations were mistakenly replaced or mixed up with saline injections. What the fuck is going on. This could ruin the people's trust in our nation's government and cause deep strife in existing DNA research.
No excuse at all to allow the people who are suffering from years of vaccine side effects to remain ignored and denied a free saline hydrolyze. Please be careful, God bless. Maybe Fauci is unaware of how close his salt theory is, he is very mellow, but surrounded by unknown potentials.
Let me make this clear, the saline fluid itself is harmless, however the CFSers that have been physiologically suppressed for years will experience a major transformation as their existing physical body, mind, spirit starts receiving new balance genetic expression commands from DNA sites that were capped for years then suddenly uncapped.
I know mental health and physical therapy is well received and suggested but being ignored the VA. I have asked them to share this label so many times since Christmas 2017 when I first used it. They don’t have care in equity. Deaf ears or sitting in a huge pile of mail somewhere by Research Advisory Committee on Gulf War Veterans' Illnesses (RACGWVI).
Cognitive processing therapy and this specific saline works the mind body spirit does adjust rapidly in some aspects bringing great comfort from brain fog and HPA axis suppression. The body likes site cap removal. Thank you for human interest the ball is in your court now once you get the label and it checks out to be true medical science.
People - COVID survivors are undergoing transplant surgeries. Site caps make system vulnerable to chronic COVID symptoms. Thank you, please excuse my frustration and cuss words. I have nobody that understands saline and cares about helping. Only saline police dismissals, sincerely.
Psychological suppressor (CAP) of DNA sites (expression). Chronic fatigue syndrome, COVID-19 survivor symptoms, Gulf War CFS can we all be narrowed down to physiological suppression symptoms. Gulf war syndrome still does not have an official name that is agreed on for medical professors because of multiple symptoms affecting blood, brain, heart, breathing, posture, skeletal digestive, skin, cognitive brain fog.
Without this name there is no target or cause to narrow focus of treatment. Surgery should be not needed. (New Name). That are resulting from ongoing exposure to life’s hazards, pesticides, illnesses, while system is suppressed from DNA site caps that incur vulnerabilities expresses through DNA and bloodlines.
Saline fluid, what doesn’t come out in wash comes out in the rinse. Wash: saline removes caps from DNA site. Rinse: body simply moves and lives with DNA site uncovered that finally releases trapped expression. Get in get it out. CFSers will be excited just for a chance to hope.
This will blow the covers off some sneaky research being harvested, possibly then vaccination (suppression of DNA site by carrier fluid, then years later, releasing trapped expression to observe and copy stronger trait.) PON1 enzyme naturally consumes pesticide similar to war chemical. Manipulation has already been claimed on internet. (Could be research looking for fountain of youth or anything you could imagine. God is forming wrath). They are playing God.
Salinas Valley•
Salinas Valley•
Salinas Valley•