This story was told by a person incarcerated at Fresno County Jail.
UCI: Did your facility provide you with masks or gloves or sanitization or do anything to try and keep you safe?
Caller: Our masks are given to us when we leave our dorm to go somewhere like court, medical, the gym, or the rec place. But very little is done when we’re put back inside our 62-men dorm. There’s almost little to no COVID treatment or prevention.
UCI: And how has the vaccination situation been like? Did you personally get vaccinated?
Caller: It’s offered at least bi-weekly. I believe there’s two steps that they offer? I haven’t gone through that yet.
UCI: And how has visitation been? Have they reduced visitation, or did they start to bring it back?
Caller: We’ve had zero under quarantine. It’s been reduced to zero children allowed, and must have whatever card that you need out there.
UCI: How has that been like for you?
Caller: Rough.
UCI: Do you think if they did a better job of visitation, maybe it would have been better to cope with the crisis?
Caller: Sure. I don’t.
UCI: Is there anything else you want people to know about your experience?
Caller: No.
UCI: Well, thank you so much for calling and sharing. We really appreciate it. I appreciate your calling to share your story too.
Caller: I hope it helps.