This letter was written by a person incarcerated at Wasco.
I came to prison back in 2018. So when the COVID-19 pandemic started I was already on the mainline, meaning in general population, a yard.
I mean none of us knew what to make of the news that a disease, it’s killing everyone and everyone is really sick! No one really believed that COVID-19 was really that close to us. But before you know it somehow COVID-19 hit our yard.
There are five buildings on A-yard, first building, one had positive COVID-19 test. Then next thing I knew, we were all being shuffled around like cattle. I even caught COVID-19.
I felt like damn, am I going to die in here in prison? Am I ever gonna see my children again? Is this the end of my life?
I think COVID-19 is a personal disease that affects everyone differently. But at the end of the day we’re all on our own when it comes to getting held. I’ve seen inmates shaking, sick, in wheelchairs, throwing up, all I could do is just thank God it ain’t me.
I end up gettin the Johnson & Johnson new one dose shot. That was a scary night after I got the shot. I was freezing cold under three blankets. Then got hella hot to the point I jump outta my bunk to run to the toilet to throw-up.
Headaches, muscle cramps at 3 a.m. Feels like a snake is traveling through my legs and stomach, very painful! Now it’s been a couple weeks since the shot and I feel fine. I have no tastebuds and I can’t smell anything, but I don’t feel sick.
As far as my safety, no I don’t feel safe behind these walls because in here you’re just a number, a number with COVID-19. You’re gonna be given two things and that’s a cell or a body bag either one. Trust me no one cares!
I don’t get visits, but I hear they finna let people get 30-minute visits with their family members. All visits are done electronic as of now.
Well at the end of the day we all gotta get through this madness together. Thank you for hearing my story and I hope I was able to help out with a little info you guys were looking for.