This story was told by a person incarcerated at Larry D. Smith Correctional Facility.
UCI: You said that they reduced visitations?
Caller: Yeah, reduced visitations. I couldn’t get visits. I’m pretty sure my parents would visit, but what I’m waiting, you know, I don’t think I get – I don’t know, I just try to visit, you know, and just there’s too much going with COVID right now. They always told me COVID, it’s the COVID going. So, you just have to keep on testing and wait for visits and stuff like that. And I was like, wow, you know, bullshit.
UCI: Right. And how has this affected your loved ones? How’s the COVID-19 situation affected them?
Caller: It affected me big time, you know. It’s like I can’t get nothing done. I get no numbers. You know, my ex, you know, I couldn’t – I just didn’t get nothing, no one. And my love life, it just put me in the slums.
UCI: Wow, I’m sorry to hear that.
Caller: Yeah, yeah, it’s alright. You know, I mean, I see the news, you know. The other thing is the TV huffing the news, you know, to calm down and the paper. Don’t depend on the paper too much. The news, yeah, watch the news and stuff and knew what kind of happen, but and it’s to get rid of COVID by June.
It’s June now and it’s still COVID going on, you know what I mean. This is June 15th, supposed to get rid of it. And they’re giving out vaccinations. [Unintelligible] out of here. [Unintelligible] as possible then you can [unintelligible] out here.
This is hard. So, put me in a better spot, you know.