This story was told by a person incarcerated at Solano.
Caller: Well, mentally I have a- there’s a select group of guys that I play cards, and I read, –
UCI: Mhmm.
Caller: – and I write, and I just kinda take my mind off – I do a lot of sleeping to tryna recover and that’s basically all that we can do. Those are my coping skills is that I try to deflect to where I’m not really focusing- cause it will cause a lot of stress and anxiety if I just focus on my current condition right now because it’s out of my control.
UCI: Mhmm.
Caller: It’s out of my hands and without help or assistance from the outside- it’s like we’re at the mercy of whatever arbitrary decision maker and the prison structure makes and we’re at their mercy.
UCI: Right.
Caller: And so I just try not to, I try not to be confrontational with them. I just observe, I document, and I report what I see, and you know I just kinda keep record, and that’s the strength that I draw from.