This story was told by a person incarcerated at Chino.
Caller: But, so that’s been an enduring, mundane thing to have to readjust not being able to go outside, not being able to, you know, to not even walk to go get your medication. Now that comes to us. So, and it just seems like the endless thing, of how long can this go on. We would quarantine, and then from quarantine if it advances still and there’s more people continuing to get it.
As they continue to come in and test, which it has been more people have tested positive, so they put the building in isolation. Which means you can’t, absolutely, you know, you can’t walk to go get your your pill line or anything like that. So, it’s really kind of shaken up, as far as you go from having a program, you know, and having outside – your outside recreation facilities. Being able to workout and exercise and, you know, fresh air and all that to being enclosed.
It’s kind of been a rough thing you know. The odd thing though is that I‘ve been here in this dorm, this dorm got quarantined on December the 30th, of 2021 and today’s date is February 4th. We’re still actually quarantined with partial programming, so it’s slowly now coming back.
But we’ve been on quarantine past the initial 14 days quarantine and then they reissued another one. But the strange thing of it is, one of the strange things it said while this all took off while it was just seemed, like, it was all in a blaze. The first – the first tube to test like in the early beginning stages when they tested and swab. It seemed like the first one came through, and okay – yeah that’s a positive.
But that second batch of people that tested now all of a sudden all these people all, you know, more than maybe 50 percent of the second people that swabbed have tested positive for the virus. Now here’s the odd thing that I’m getting to is that nobody, and I mean, I’ve talked to a few people in here, it’s like, have you seen anybody in here who’s experienced those symptoms?
‘Cause they always ask you, you know, “How are you feeling today are you experiencing any COVID flu-like symptoms, any COVID symptoms?” None, none, zero, some guys have a sniffly nose but there – there was no fever, there was no signs at all. No nothing, no symptoms and it seemed like a couple of people had coughs, you know, but it was nothing, yeah, just like a normal, you’d call it kennel cough or something.