This letter was written by a person incarcerated at Wasco.
Hello, I received your letter today and I must say it was a pleasant surprise. One does not expect to hear from people such as yourself during a time like this, especially while I’m in the situation I’m in! I can tell you that it means a lot! Well first let me say I pray this letter finds you in the best of health.
As for me and my fellow inmates I can tell you that we are not happy with the way things are being done by the administration here at Wasco State Prison. I don’t like to complain about a bad situation that I’ve put myself in but one can only take so much before one either starts break or fight back. I don’t really know where to start so I guess it would be best to start from the beginning.
I do have a story to tell not just to you but to the world, though I would like to start with you. The big problem here is trust. I am not sure who you are. I would like to build my trust with you all over time. As a Black man I’m used to being used and exploited only to end up with nothing to gain.
Before I tell my story I would like to hear more from you guys so if you could give me a number to call you personally, I would feel more comfortable telling you my story. I assure you I am more likely the answer to most of your concerns and questions. Forgive me for my guard rails but remember this, nothing worth having is easy to obtain.
Sincerely yours.