This story was told by a person incarcerated at Santa Rita Jail.
UCI: Okay, and then I don’t know if you mind starting a little bit more back,just so I can get all of this recorded in the—in the recording.
Caller: Okay. I was illegally arrested by having my name and date of birth entered into a database within the county probation department. And it’s called CLETS, C-L-E-T-S, that stands for California Law Enforcement, California Law Enforcement Telecommunication System database. I was also illegally retained in the county probation department CRIMS, C-R-I-M-S, that’s Criminal Record Imaging Management System database.
It’s a big corruption scandal that they’ve been doing for the last 30 years by leaving these two databases inaccurate victimizing the public. So this, the three years that I’ve been out on this case, they’ve been trying to get me to plead guilty to it especially during the pandemic. But since I won’t plead guilty, they’ve made me incompetent to stand trial, illegally, without me ever being interviewed by a psych, to try and conceal it.
So now, they’re trying to illegally transfer me tomorrow without me ever being interviewed by a psych to come up with the conclusionary findings that I’m incompetent and involuntarily medicate me without me ever being interviewed by a psych during this pandemic. Now, they want to transfer me illegally and victimize the public’s safety and health by me not being a vaccinated inmate in the first place and HIV positive.
They want to transfer me without an updated COVID test to conceal this corruption scandal of evidence that came out in my preliminary hearing. And the [redacted] has contested because they read the documents and from the past and the present all the court-ordered detention and the evaluation at [redacted] is illegal. And they’re just tryna keep me incompetent to forcibly make me plead to evade several severe civil liabilities because of all the people that can retroactively come back and sue them for violating their constitutional rights.
But they have no, they have no type of concern for the public’s interest or public health or safety. Where their money being more important by them earning the additional conviction by these databases being inaccurate. For the lengthy 30 years, they want to continue that, so, so therefore the public’s interest of violations of their constitutional rights of the Fourth Amendment of illegal search and seizure, is disregarded and the public’s safety and health is disregarded about the COVID-19 pandemic.
What’s more important to them is the money that they’re earning by this unlawfully executed plan of a revolving door that continual recidivism rates, income that they can earn by illegally profiteering off incarceration. And that’s what’s been going on. And the state’s Superior Court collective administrating, administering criminal laws.
Due to category along with the other state officials of California Law Enforcement Peace Officers, who are the ones that are designatedly in charge and responsible for the upkeep and continue—continually maintenances of the audits and updates to these two databases. That are erroneously left at errors inaccurate retentions of information for the whole duration of the person’s original sentencing guidelines from the state Superior Court.
So in other words, if you’re sentenced to county jail term or a light 16 months, a 2 years in state prison, and your additional, prepositional sentencing custody guideline of 3 years felony or 3 years AB-109 county supervision or CDCR parole custody, if you earlier discharge than the original state superior court sentencing guidelines of 3 years, you will still be illegally retained in the databases as fraudulently active on probation, parole, or AB-109 county supervision.
For the full duration of the 3 years you were originally sentenced to, regardless if you earned an earlier discharge or not because those state officials will not take you out of that database by updating or auditing it and that came out as facts. So yeah, that’s my story. That’s happening here.
UCI: Thank you for sharing. Do you mind if I can ask you a couple of questions more based off of what COVID is like inside the institution?
Caller: Yeah.
UCI: Okay. What has the COVID situation been like at your facility?
Caller: What’s the hospital like?
UCI: Oh no. What has the COVID situation been like at your facility?
Caller: Oh. so, Well, they’ve been using it to, as a means to commit criminal acts like, okay, we’ve had some outbreaks. But then, they’ll fake some outbreaks to make it appear as if we need to be quarantined. So they can stop us from going to court until quarantine is over to keep us in jail longer so they can earn money because there’s a shortages of people in jail right now due to COVID-19. That’s what they, that’s what they’ve been doing.
They have us in multiple different custody levels, all in one pod. Maximum, medium, and minimum, even protected custody, general population, mainline, and mental health, are all together to where they can all, where they can make a justification for only allowing us out one hour in the morning and sometimes not even an hour out at night. Because there’s so many different groups, they got to rotate with letting us out separately. So they use that as a justification to keep us in our cells for the most amount of time as possible, during COVID-19. Any other questions?
UCI: Oh yeah. What about the, how has the vaccination situation been like at your facility? Are they offering vaccines?
Caller: Oh yeah. They’re offering vaccines and they’re offering COVID tests, but they’re playing a lot of little psychological games. Like, they’re psychologically torturing the behavioral mental health who, inmates who are discriminated and get the worst out of all inmates that are housed in this facility. Anything else?
UCI: Yeah. How has the COVID situation been like for your loved ones?
Caller: Oh, it’s been really, really rough because you got, like, I was telling you, they’re playing a lot of little different games. They’ll suspend your pin code, you have to use the 13-digit code on the phone to allow you access to get a line to call out. They have vindictively been suspending your pin code numbers when they want to stop you from calling loved ones or friends.
We have GTL smart device tablets, they’re given loaner phones, the deputies and stuff and they do cyber hack apps, free apps that allow you to take over the device. And they’ll hang your device up, make your wifi connectivity keep dropping when you’re trying to watch movies to harass you, and make the phone, if you’re trying to call someone out, keep ringing, ringing, ringing, you know, stuff like that. And they think that’s funny. Anything else?
UCI: Yeah, how have you been coping with the crisis?
Caller: Oh, I’ve been, I’ve been dealing it with the best I can but not like everyone else. I’m a little bit more harassed because of my criminal court case proceeding situation than a lot of others. So, mine is a bit, I can’t really speak for everyone else. My experience is a lot different from a lot of other people.
Because I’ve been kind of targeted, more so than anyone else. But, because I won’t plead guilty to the case and let them invade severe civil liabilities. And it’s not just my liability of what they would have to pay me and the civil litigations, but all of those who have been violated within the last 30 years behind it. You know what I mean?
UCI: Yeah.
Caller: So the stakes are really really high for me because I would be the president case on a domino effect. You kind of get my drift?
UCI: Yeah. I get it.
Caller: Yeah. So, yeah. It’s been kind of rough. Like, I’ve been on a hunger strike for lengthy 30 days. I’ve lost over 37 pounds. And, one time, it got so bad, I went from 8 pounds, I lost 8 pounds in just one week. Due to, before I was really prescribed Ensure supplements, three times a day. They retaliated on me by saying that they’re out of stock of Ensure for four days straight.
Lying, trying to retaliate secretly against me, behind this whole situation that I am enduring right now. But luckily, I’ve had the [redacted] to try to stick up for me on a lot of different issues like calling up here, contacting my public defender, trying to get him to call them, or sit down and have a meeting about why am I being court-ordered to [redacted]. They reviewed the documents, they saw that it was a lot of illegalities and issues with how it was done and he’s refusing to meet with them.
So they’re now having a meeting on it tonight on how to proceed with me and a couple of, maybe a chosen few others if they have really severely been violated in this county jail here. They just got sued and lost.
The [redacted] versus [redacted] county. Case number [redacted]. Yeah, they’re, they just lost that and they’re in a settlement agreement with [redacted], to get 250 more deputies so they can accommodate the mental health but all they’re gonna do is train 250 more deputies to be more criminally abusive towards the mental health.
That’s all they’ll do when they receive the money. So, we’re objecting to the preliminary approval of consent decree. For them to get anything, we need to downsize the jail by letting the population be emptied or lessened. We don’t need any more abusive criminal activity to conspire any further.
‘Cause they’re just gonna take the money and then further violate our rights ’cause they’re still doing it and they haven’t even been given the money yet. They have until this [redacted], and then [redacted] is the final date for them to start receiving the federal funding. But, we’re objecting. We have up until [redacted] to object. Anything else?
UCI: Is there anything else you want people to know about your experience?
Caller: Yes. I would hope that there will be people that would really try to, try to investigate our cause, a reason to be informed on why are these acts continuously happening and they just lost the lawsuit. They’re still doing the criminal acts. The deputies, in other words, they’re being OK’d by their superior officers to do these things and implementing the torturous conviction of our confinement. I don’t understand that.
UCI: I hear you. Well, that’s all the questions on my end. Did you have any other questions or any questions about our program or anything like that?
Caller: I would like to know when can I expect to start seeing some of the testimony on the website?
UCI: We don’t have an exact date of when it will go up. I know you asked something similar to that last time. Yeah, I’m not too sure when they’ll go up so, I don’t want to give you a date and then it’s wrong.
Caller: Okay. All right well, that was basically all I had to say. So, I mean will the names of the businesses that I’ve mentioned, will they be edited or will those remain in as long as I’m anonymous?
UCI: I think the names of businesses are kind of iffy. I think if you mentioned you have a relation to them, they might get blurred out. But again, I’m not too sure because I’m not part of the team that clears the calls. So I’m not too sure what exactly gets blurred out. I just know if it identifies you at all, then they’ll blur it out.
Caller: Yeah, because it doesn’t identify me at all. It just says the place of business that’s helping me.
UCI: Okay. So hopefully, it won’t get blurred out but I’m not 100 percent sure. I’m so sorry.
Caller: How about the jail I’m confined in?
UCI: The jail? Yeah, it will come out.
Caller: Oh, it will come out?
UCI: Yeah, it’ll come out that you’re in [redacted].
Caller: Oh, okay. Well, thank you so much, ma’am. I appreciate your time and your patience. And you have a good day, okay?
UCI: Thank you, you too. Have a good night. Bye-bye.
Caller: Bye-bye.