This story was told by a person incarcerated at Solano.
UCI: So, tell me about your experience with COVID-19.
Caller: Well, the thing is, they test you over and over again. So, it’s like once you, you know, take so many tests and a lot of people come up positive but they won’t confirm the positivity cause there’s a lot of false negatives. I mean false positives. So everybody wants uh, you know, they want basically to be sure, because a lot of people don’t have symptoms. So, it’s like okay.
UCI: How often do you say you get tested?
Caller: We test like, well when we first started it was like every three days.
UCI: Okay. And then what about recently? Have you seen any increase in case numbers?
Caller: Case numbers every day. So, what’s funny is that I mean you can test six times with nothin’ and turn around and then everybody comes back positive, you know what I’m sayin’? So that’s the key for a lot of people, but a lot of people who don’t have no symptoms. But to confirm it you get placed in a place where people do have symptoms and you end up gettin’ it.