This letter was written by a person incarcerated at Chowchilla.
My next door neighbor have all tested positive for COVID-19. There was six people. They send positive inmates to a room in 501 or 502 with a room full of other positive inmates. So even if you may have tested false-positive, for sure you are catching it now.
Mental health does not come by to see us because our building is not quarantined. We are fed in our cells. My body is in pain not because I have symptoms but because I am laying on an uncomfortable bed all day because I cannot go out due to quarantine.
I was informed by a CO who wants to remain confidential that they offered the COs a COVID vaccine on the 28, 29, and 30th of December and out of all the staff working the prison, only about 1-15 staff took the vaccine because they are scared of the vaccine.
This is crazy because the staff is the one bringing in the COVID-19 to us and it is quickly spreading like wildfire. And the fact they were given the option to get the vaccine and put a stop to exposing us! is ludicrous.
At the end of the day, they get to be home, have medicine, comfortable bed, good bed, medical care if they do get COVID and if we get COVID we are thrown in a cell with other sick inmates and have to experience every painful moment of the sickness and hope we get better fast.
We get no type of medicine or pain meds. We are not offered nutritious food.
It is very sad.