This letter was written by a person incarcerated at Tehachapi.
PrisonPandemic Project,
A friend of mine gave me your address but not a lot of information, other than you guys are looking for stories regarding coronacooties. But if you are able to find the time, I would like to know why and to what purpose this information is being used for.
The way this whole thing has operated has been horrible because the medical staff really have no idea what they are doing. There are just way too many holes and everybody is basically chasing their tails in circles.
I’ve watched them roll people up and move them to cootieville (quarantine) because they had an elevated fever for whatever reason and they said that they “tested” positive for corona. Then before they’ve even sanitized the cell they moved two more bodies into that spot possibly infecting the next two.
As of this writing I’ve been over here in quarantine for two days and I have to be here for at least two weeks. On Monday I had a minor anxiety attack and there was a little discomfort catching my breath, so I requested to go see medical.
I kept hearing that COVID was a respiratory issue and I am in the age bracket (56) that it hits, so I went to get checked on everything. I had all of my vitals checked and everything was good. My oxygen, blood pressure, heart rate and my temperature was normal and I exhibited no symptoms at all for COVID. So I even went so far as to have one of the COVID tests that give you the five-minute results and the results came back negative so I figured that was the end of it but as I can see, not so much!
That night I was laying in my bed and they propped my door saying that I tested positive and I needed to move over to the quarantine. So here I sit. The only positive is that I get to live by myself for a few weeks.
So that’s my story about where I am and how I got here as well as my opinion on how horrible the medical staff are trained and how they are handling the whole situation. That said I guess I’ll wrap it up and I hope you can let me know what the purpose is behind your wanting the info.
Take care and stay safe.