This letter was written by a person incarcerated at Soledad.
During this pandemic, there have been a lot of inmates positively programming without any bad behavior or write ups, inmates who are showing clear evidence of “rehabilitation” but yet, CDCR doesn’t want to release them. Violent inmates and non-violent inmates alike are showing clear signs of being rehabilitated. CDCR doesn’t view them that way because they are unwilling to release these inmates, even when it means life or death.
So, which is it? Do they really believe that an inmate, whether violent or non-violent, can truly be rehabilitated? Or, is the “R” that sits at the back of the CDC, only really a hook to pull in lots of money to set up these fake programs, so that they can fake like they are rehabilitating inmates, when in reality, they are splitting the pot?
I know that by now, you know my thoughts in regards to these questions. We on the inside of the walls have our own denotation for those four letters, CDCR, California Department of Corruption and Racketeering.