This story was told by a person incarcerated at Avenal.
UCI: Okay and what is the current COVID-19 situation at your facility?
Caller: Right now, it’s pretty I mean minimal. What’s happening right now is you have a lot of the inmates who had tested negative previously, they’re testing weekly every Friday. And so, if any of those tests come back what they’re doing is they’re basically quarantining the dorm where the inmate lived who test positive.
And then the inmate who tests positive is moving to the three yard here, and then at Avenal State Prison, and then the rest of the dorm is being quarantined themselves on another yard, on the A yard, or alpha year. So, I mean it’s just kinda, just all over the place. You know there doesn’t just seem to be any systematic thing and you know they seem to be in the stance of moving people kinda just willy nilly not based on anything.
And kinda pretty much also going against what the CDC and the WHO have come out and said about you know quarantine being shelter in place and you know confined to quarters you know the CTQ that military uses you know when any of their you know military members have to be quarantined or confined to quarters you know. It doesn’t seem that the CDCR is doing that.
UCI: Right, and what do you think is going okay in your facility?
Caller: You know I think the way that they have the, well and then that’s the funny thing. See they have the, the yard’s pretty well quarantined where you know we don’t go to chow together, we don’t have yard together, you know there’s not any education going on where there’s cross contamination you know. So, they work you know.
They’ve done a pretty good job on that you know, on the yards, keeping the inmates separate. But then again moving and cross contamination through moving inmates between yards you know seems to be going against what they’re trying to attempt to do. So, I mean you know it there’s nothing that seems to be consistent.