This story was told by a person incarcerated at Elmwood Correctional Facility.
UCI: Oh yeah. Thank you for sharing. How has the vaccination situation been like?
Caller: I have a double Moderna shot, and I was still leaking through that. So I’m curious to see what CDC would think of that. So I signed up for a booster – watching the news and trying to keep up with it, you know.
So this weekend probably Saturday morning or maybe even late Friday night, which would be Saturday morning pretty much – I’ll get a booster. But that doesn’t mean they have their homework done for the new variant. It just means that they’re trying to say it helps.
UCI: Yeah, definitely. Do you feel as though the facility has done a good job of explaining to you guys what the vaccine is?
Caller: The facility [unintelligible] explaining it?
UCI: Oh yeah. Or like for individuals who are thinking about getting the vaccine, do you feel like the facility has given them enough information to make that decision?
Caller: I think it’s been like basically they’re assuming we’re been watching the news enough or reading newspapers – there’s newspapers per unit so. If you asked them, person to person – [unintelligible], they do have an opinion but they really – they don’t say, “Hey we want you to get this.”
They kind of just believe – that they got plenty to do than just advise us like that. They assume we’re educated and trying to educate each other between our peoples, you know?