This story was told by a person incarcerated at Merced County Jail.
UCI: Oh. Okay, great. Thank you. So, tell me about your experience.
Caller: So, I’ve currently been incarcerated since before the pandemic. And since the pandemic hit, there’s been a lot of things that have affected us. As far as, first of all, like, visits with our families that would occur on the weekends.
And also from visits, family visits, which would be where our families got to come in and spend time with us overnight. And since the pandemic has started, we don’t have those anymore.
No in-person visits, nor do we have family visits where I could spend time with my children. Also, due to the pandemic, like we no longer have school or church or NA, AA, any of the classes that we were given prior to that. In prison, we only get out every other day for a shower and to use the phone.
And we are fed meals in our cell. We are lacking exercise. The mail is taking longer. And it’s just, for me, the whole thing through the pandemic is missing my family and not having a way to be in touch with them.