This letter was written by a person incarcerated at Pleasant Valley.
Okay, so on this COVID-19 issue; this is what happened to me, and what I experienced. It all started on November 19, 2020.
It started out like any other day, but it would not end that way. At 10 a.m. that day, the nurses came into my block D-four, and tested me for COVID-19. They stuck a long q-tip up my nose that made me feel a little uneasy and disoriented. So, what I forgot to mention is, I have been battling pneumonia and valley fever since like July.
So at 3 p.m. I was called to the D-yard medical to see a doctor. She goes to tell me that she wants to test me for possible TB. And at first I was like, “okay sure”. But then she goes on to tell me that she wants to send me to the outside hospital, and immediately my antennas went up, and I said, no, absolutely not!
I said, “You can test me here on the yard, but I am not going to the outside of the hospital with the underlying health conditions that I have right now!”
So, she goes on to say she’ll see if she can test me here on the yard, but if she does, then I am going to have to be quarantined in my cell for seven days. I was perfectly fine with that, and I let her know that.
So she sent me back to my cell, and said, she was going to order the TB test, and they’ll call me back once it comes from the pharmacy. So again, I go back to my block, and I jump in the shower. I’m in the shower for about five minutes and the CO in the tower tells me that they want me back at medical.
At the time, I don’t think much of it, so I just throw on my shorts, and a blue shirt.
Normally it’s required to wear your blue’s at medical or you won’t be allowed in. Well, once I get there, the RN tells me I have to go back, and put my blues on, ’cause I have to go to (CTC) Center Treatment Clinic and they’re gonna do the TB test over there.
I looked at her, and I instantly knew she was lying, so I said, “no, I’ll wait here for the test.”
She said, “stop, just go over there, they’re already waiting for you!” I was a little hesitant because I felt it in my gut that something was fishy. And I even commented on that. The doctor stuck her head out of her office and I asked her, “what was going on?” She just dismissed me and said “go to CTC”.
To avoid any problems, cause unnecessary attention, and/or have the COs come and escort me, I went ahead and followed directions. I got to CTC, and the RN had a COVID-19 test in her hand, and said, “You’re here for a COVID-19 test and transport to the hospital.” I instantly said, “No, I’m not!”
And just so you know, I already tested for COVID-19 earlier today in my block. I went on to tell her that I’m just here for a TB test! She basically ignored me, and the COs put me in a holding tank and told me to put on a plastic jump suit, and face mask.
I was pretty adamant at informing them that I cannot chance going out to the outside hospital. In fact I feared going out, cause I knew I’d be put into risk of contact.
I refused, and referred, and refused, but my refusal fell on deaf ears, about 20 minutes into the back and forth. Finally the COs said, “Look, to avoid any unnecessary bs, just get in the van, so we don’t have to spray you. Either way you will be going, and you can refuse once you are there.”