This story was told by a person incarcerated at Larry D. Smith Correctional Facility.
Caller: Things were lightening up a little bit better. They were giving rec, like, once a week. We were still locked down, they were only letting one cell out at a time for 30 minutes a day. It was very difficult. I couldn’t generate no money so, financially, I was in a broke house.
My wife, she got an income tax check with both our names on it and they couldn’t send, what do you call it, a notary up here because of the pandemic, so she couldn’t cash that. She couldn’t cash her income tax check because it had, it said her name and my name. It didn’t say “or” my name. It said her name which is a stickler about that.
They started opening visits up, there’s video visits, so it’s kind of difficult to still get visits. Right now, it’s better, like, they opened up the dayrooms. I took my Pfizer shot here. I got both of them, one and two, so I’m COVID-free.
If I get it, they said I’ll be fine. We’re still wearing masks, I guess, ‘til June.
I wrote a letter in response to the PrisonPandemic. My safety, I’m a mental health patient dealing with my neurosis, psychosis, so it was kind of difficult trusting authority or trusting the vaccine, but I wanted to at least be sure, you know, healthy. My wife still has trust issues with it, so. When I got it, my arm was sore.
The reduced visitation was the worst. I’ve been down since last year, June, it’s just sad, and I’m close to home, ’cause I’m from, but still a little difficult due to the times.
I’m trying to get money, she didn’t get EDD. She actually had a job that continued with work, so there was no. And the income, the stimulus checks, she got the stimulus for me and her so that, that was about it. Anything else?