This story was told by a person incarcerated at Elmwood Correctional Facility.
UCI: Another question I have is how has the vaccination situation been like at your facility?
Caller: Oh, I got all my vaccinations. I’m vaccinated.
UCI: Awesome.
Caller: All my vaccinations.
UCI: When you got them, did you feel like they gave you guys enough information, or you kind of were just offered it?
Caller: No, when I got them, I got one just like, two days ago. In the arm.
UCI: Oh, okay.
Caller: And that was for the COVID. And that was to take care of the COVID problem.
UCI: Awesome. What has it been like for you to have reduced visitation?
Caller: Oh, for presentations?
UCI: Oh, reduced visitations. Like visiting, visits.
Caller: Oh yeah, I get visiting, but I haven’t got any visits from anybody, except for the ones I’ve had from you guys. From mentor.
UCI: You mentioned visiting from us?
Caller: Oh, just from the tablet.
UCI: Oh, you get visits through the tablet. Oh, did they introduce that recently, or has that kind of always been around?
Caller: Yeah.
UCI: Oh, okay. What has it been like for you to have reduced programming?
Caller: Reduced programming? Well, that’d be good – that’d be good for me I guess. If I could reduce my programming.
UCI: Oh, you would want more programming or less programming?
Caller: Huh?
UCI: Sorry. You would want more programming or less programming?
Caller: Less programs.
UCI: Less programs?
Caller: Yeah.
UCI: Oh, okay. Would you mind elaborating a little bit more on why you would want less programs?
Caller: Less programs, yeah.
UCI: Okay. Another question I have is how have you been coping with the COVID crisis?
Caller: The COVID, just, I guess, the thing you’re talking about, right?
UCI: Yeah, but how have you been coping with the situation?
Caller: Well, with the situation, with the COVID, I’ve been handling it pretty well. I mean, I’ve been sleeping during the day, I don’t mind. And waking up late – not late – not waking up late, just like, having naps, you know? Just having naps and just being awake.
UCI: Oh awesome. That’s good. It’s definitely a good way to keep your mental health in check.