This letter was written by a person incarcerated at Donovan.
The life I was involved in, we had to keep it real and lie free. I could tell stories about my old life, but them stories are war stories. Let me share with you that’s what’s happening in this prison? As of (April 12, 2021) this prison is back on the COVID-19 program.
Two other yards had a outbreak, it all started with the PIA facility. I do work at one of them facility it’s called Laundry PIA. The other are on a different yards. And as for COVID-19 cases there are no new cases.
I took both my shots and I feel healthy. I have a celly and he’s healthy as well. Everyone wears their mask and they keep all units clean. As for visits? No visits at this moment.
It’s been hard at times. We have our day phone calls and our mail goes out (Monday through Thursday). Everyone deals with the pandemic their own way. I keep busy and wear my mask and wash my hands every time I leave and come back to my cell. Last year I had COVID-19 and I got sick.
Not to bad like some people. People die from the COVID-19 close friends of mine. You see everyone story is different and mine is the way it is. I just try to be the best man I could and do what’s best for myself and family.
No more gangs and trouble. Hopefully my story could bring light to others. I would love to share more with you. I’m a good person. Just trying to to do what’s best and be the best man I could.
Thank you for your time and God bless you and your love ones and your student.
Hope to hear from you soon.