This letter was written by a person incarcerated at Tracy.
First I want to say that I got your letter and your concerns are very much appreciated.
My personal experiences during this time hasn’t been good at all. I tested positive for COVID-19 on December 21, 2020. I don’t believe that the prison had a plan in place for this type of situation because when I got moved into isolation, I was put into a cell that had no windows, no heat, and no power.
I couldn’t understand why would they do that when I was already sick. I was given extra blankets, which I had five of them, but I was still freezing. I had all of the symptoms. I lost my taste, smell, and I had the chills. Even though I feel a lot better, I still haven’t fully recovered because I still get headaches and I still have shortness of breath.
At the moment, there’s no program. We might get an hour of yard once a week. We get one phone call once every four to five days. If you’re a critical worker, you go to work everyday. I’m currently a PIA HFM worker so I’m blessed to get out of the cell everyday.
Do I feel safe? I don’t feel safe because I’ve seen with my own eyes how people tested positive for COVID-19 got accidentally put in the same cell with someone who hasn’t tested positive.
I’ve been coping with the no visiting situation pretty well only because on December 17, 2020, I got found suitable for parole. Just knowing that I’ll be going home soon helps me cope with not getting visits.
Again, I appreciate the chance to be able to speak my peace.
Thank you.