This story was told by a person incarcerated at San Joaquin County Jail.
Caller: For me, the most part that sucks is not being able to see my family and my loved ones. And vaccines. They’re not really giving vaccines that I’m aware of in this facility, that I’m aware of. I don’t think they’re giving out any vaccines or anything. So, that’s how it is so far.
UCI: Wow. And what has it been like for you with reduced visitation and programming?
Caller: Well, reduced visitation, it sucks because, like I said, I’m used to seeing my family two times a week whenever they were allowing visitations. And, you know, that’s kind of the way, you know, they motivated me to keep pushing and stuff like that. So, that’s pretty good. But now that they, you know, don’t do visitations at all for intake, it sucks big time.
And sometimes they don’t let us out just because, you know, somebody may be sick in the section below us. So, it gets pretty hard. And, you know, being stuck in a cell 24 hours, 24 hours a day ain’t no joke. So, it sucks.