This letter was written by a person incarcerated at Delano.
Hello UCI students,
My story about how I caught COVID-19. Well, I went to county jail. For I was in a SUV with someone. He handed me a 22 or 25 handgun because he had a warrant. They checked us both and didn’t really check me too well. They let me go. And I was walking with it, and now I’m in here.
I wish he never gave it to me. The good news, I’ll be out in six month to year, about 11 months.
Well I caught COVID-19. I thought it was something else, but I found out I had it. And, well, the first few days were bad. I had headaches, a little fever, and a little chill. That’s it.
For about three days the worst for me was the headaches. But I took Advil, Tylenol, and some other pain medication that helped with the headaches and I was all better. The headaches lasted about one week or so but after the second or third day they were very mild, thank God. My bunky who was a smoker of cigs kept coughing and coughing because it affects people more who smoke cigs.
OK now that’s pretty much it. They say in six weeks I should have no problem with a test and it should come up negative. It’s been about six weeks and I feel great. No symptoms and so on! OK now here’s the thing on back. Can you pass my info to your friends? It’s about me.