This letter was written by a person incarcerated at Vacaville.
They started giving the first shot of Moderna vaccine to inmates with “high risk!” (of course, we were all wearing masks since the beginning!) I received my first dose on December 29, 2020. On December 31, 2020, at 11:15 p.m., I was told that I had to move to a cell for observation. They moved me to a cell in a different wing – saying that I tested positive for COVID-19.
At that time, I had to move all of my property to a different wing. On January 4, 2021, I was given another COVID-19 test. Two days later, I was moved to a big dorm that housed the COVID inmates. In D-Dorm, I really reacted to the virus. Apparently, I slept for days – even passing up meals!
Then, a friend told me about an IV that helped him. The IV took an hour, but the next day, I was feeling pretty good! On January 15, 2021, they moved me (and others) out to the “Tent City.” That was not a good experience! The wind was really blowing hard! Then on January 18, 2021, they moved all of us to another wing on the third floor. To [redacted], which was a bunk bed!
(About 12 or 13 years ago, I was moved from [redacted] down to [redacted], on the [redacted] floor. They said that I was inappropriately housed!) I am still waiting on an appeal that I had to file to get back to [redacted]. We were all promised that we would return to our beds when we got better! So far, that part has not been true!
I did receive my second shot of Moderna on March 30, 2021 – 60 days after the IV. While I do not have any complaints regarding previous healthcare, I kind of feel like they put everyone in a position to get the virus. I hope that that is not, but I can’t help feeling that way! I have been here for 28 years now. Something has been different by the way that they have handled things.