This story was told by a person incarcerated at Todd Road Jail.
Caller: Okay, well I was saying I don’t get visitations, but I do – I do see that they’re there. They do or – are helpful, but that’s, that’s just from what I know. And oh, I get – I get told to wear mask when – occasionally, you know, when I’m told to.
UCI: Okay, and then what about – what has it been like for you to have reduced programming?
Caller: Man, reduced programming, it – I mean it all depends, but it is – it is what it is.
UCI: I see. How have you been coping with the crisis?
Caller: I usually ask people, you know, or if they’re, if they’re in line to get anybody infected or have been exposed to COVID-19, and that’s – that’s it mainly.
UCI: Okay. I know you said you don’t have any visitors, but how has the COVID situation affected your loved ones?
Caller: On – [unintelligible] apart, I’m not allowed to see my people or my family, and that is – that is part of the reason why, and I really don’t blame them for, for being like that.
UCI: Okay. What would have made the situation at your facility better?
Caller: If we were let outside more often, hopefully. It’s not my job. Yeah, I’m just here to be in, you know, there are certain guidelines that we all go in, you know? I guess.
UCI: Yeah. What else do you want people to know about your experience?
Caller: I want people to know, okay, to want to better themselves and, it’s okay, you know, to find those resources that you need, that are there, you know? 24/7, you know? And they’re out there, and you should go get them. You know?