This letter was written by a person incarcerated at High Desert.
To PrisonPandemic,
First off I wanna thank you for writing and caring about my well beings. The worlds blessed to have people like you. Please help me PrisonPandemic, I’m scared. With this pandemic I don’t know where to start, it’s been hell this past year.
I’m going through the most, it’s been hard for me.
First of all, I have asthma and early in the pandemic I had trouble breathing and eating. One of my celly caught COVID while being in the cell with him. They have me still celled up with him. I haven’t been able to contact or come in communication with my daughters.
It seems like I’m lost. It’s very stressful. I’m 13 hours away from Los Angeles County.
This prison treats us wrong, we haven’t been to the store since December, and it’s almost March. I’m scared, very scared that I might die inside prison. They’re just very careless at this prison. Their PPE is weak they don’t pass or give cleaning supplies.
And I’m just very thankful that someone is reaching out and caring about inmates.
I’m not even supposed to be at this prison. I’m level three and they have me at this level four prison. They claim they not doing moves because COVID but they’re bringing new people in weekly. I’m a security risk due to my level.
Like I said before, I’m not even supposed to be here at this prison facility.
I’m very scared that I’m going to die inside prison and they don’t even care about my health conditions I have. Please help me, please help us. Thank you very much. Make sure you contact CDCR and let them know everything please.