This story was told by a person incarcerated at Chuckawalla.
UCI: How have you been coping with the crisis?
Caller: I kind of stay in my area or stay away from a grouping. A lot of people that like to group up and, you know, come down here and watch, you know, TV from – from the day room or sit at the table with four or five guys, I try to do three or less and just – just stick to a small crowd.
I do a lot of writing, read books, or – or go outside and keep – keep my distance. So that’s the only way we can cope in here and, you know, get on the telephone and – and talk to our loved ones and see how they’re doing out there. There’s really not much to do. Just last week we heard that we were going to go back to school, so they’re going to open up school and – and behind the wall, which is a vocational trade I’m in – auto mechanics.
Which I don’t understand. That’s another thing they do, too, is they start opening up programs and start letting us go out and intermingle with each other, which I don’t – I don’t know why they do that, so – but that – that’s the way I cope with it. So it’s not much I can do and I don’t really want to put myself through a lot of stress, which we are, but that’s – that’s a couple ways I cope with it, though.