This letter was written by a person incarcerated at Calipatria.
To whom may this concern,
Hello! I received a letter from you guys regarding this pandemic and the conditions in prison and people’s well-being here during the pandemic. Where do I start? Well, for the most part, things are okay here with them trying to keep us safe.
Once upon a time, they were moving inmates that were affected with COVID-19 to our yard facility for a while. It got real scary for a minute with us being here in these difficult times. I feel they changed the program too often for us as inmates to be at ease.
Because every few days they changing our program and take many different things from us such as phone calls, recreational time, etc. We get phone calls every other day and recreational time every four days. And that’s the 15-minute phone call and about two and a half hours of yard.
It affects people here. Most days they are not able to get on the phone call to check up on their family. To me, personally, things could be better here. Far as how they do with program and keeping us safe. You have inmates scared to test because of false-positive results and inconclusive test results.
They have only a couple critical porter workers working, and I don’t feel that’s good because the more workers you have working the better it becomes at keeping the buildings and common areas clean to prevent the spread of COVID-19.
This pandemic is real hard for me because I’ve had family contract the COVID-19 virus. But through the grace of God they fought the virus and recovered from it. These times are hard for everyone here without being able to have a visit with their families.
Almost every inmate, that’s all they talk about, is freedom and being able to see their families! With this pandemic it kinda discouraged most people and made them become scared, worried, anxious. To not know what’s next.
I get scared and discouraged at times but I pray and know that God will prevail, and some day soon I’ll be home free released to reunite with my family and loved ones. I can honestly say some days is much better than others. When we think things are getting better, they tend to get worse.
Hope I gave you guys enough insight on me and the situations we face around us in these troubled times of this pandemic. Hope to have some updates with good news from you guys.
My best wishes.