This letter is written by a person incarcerated at USP Atwater Federal Center.
To whom it may concern,
First and foremost I must say thank you for giving me the opportunity to be a part of this project and that I greatly appreciate being one of the people to contribute. To be honest I was a little on the defensive when I first read the letter. I was telling myself if this ain’t legal aid what good is it for me to write.
But instantly I had to rethink and process my way of thinking and realize that this is a blessing to be able to let someone know what’s on my mind. Especially during a pandemic. There’s a purpose in life for everything that we as people endure, good and bad. And upon receiving your letter I took it as a sign.
With all this being said allow me to properly introduce myself. As I’m sure you are already aware that my name is [redacted]. I’m 31 years old, and I’m not from California, I’m born and raised in Florida. I’ve been down seven years and have a few more till I reach my release.
I won’t go into no prison politics and will stay on course as to what’s going on inside here during these trying times. Also I will answer your question to the best of my ability and my personal experiences and point of view.
For the most part doing your time is what you make it. As for me specifically, I’m all about productivity. I’m in a special housing unit in the prison that promotes change. It’s called the [redacted] which is a program of inmates that all have similar struggles and want to change for the better and become productive members in society.
I’m all for rehabilitation and reform. No matter the ethnic background or race. In this program we support one another. So to answer your question, yes it is a little lonely, depressing, and frustrating being incarcerated on top of it being a pandemic and to add on being confined within these walls. But there is things to help us cope. Like I already mentioned this program brings inmates together like a community so we support one another.
This institution has been excellent when it comes to social distancing and sanitation protocols. They issued out numerous face masks we can wash in the washing machine, which is a plus because imagine the prisoners who don’t even have that.
There’s plenty of chemicals being utilized and passed around. There was a minor outbreak in the beginning but being able not to panic and take the right precautionary steps to manage it, the staff as well as inmates in my opinion did a wonderful job on locking down and getting the institution under control till everyone was tested and cleared. And those who were unfortunate were fortunate to get well, thankfully no one passed.
Then you have federal and state prisons, there’s a huge difference. State is mostly filled with California natives, while federal has inmates from all over the world and all of the states. So imagine being from a whole different state and your loved ones can’t afford or are limited to how they can see or visit you. We don’t have tablets like other prisons so add that to the emotional stress, frustration or whatever one may be feeling.
Me personally being raised in foster care, I’ve pretty much been surviving on my own. I don’t really get mail or correspondence. I used to seek penpal sites but that becomes overwhelming meeting numerous new individuals, who might be in and out. And I just got tired of opening up to strangers just to feel a feeling of abandonment again and again. I state that because this project is a wonderful thing and I guess with your permission I will let others know they can reach out.
But me personally I don’t want to call a hotline or keep writing numerous individuals. I would like to help but I would appreciate it if you could consider me going through one person. This has been a very trying time for us all, no matter our circumstances. We all have the will to survive, stay safe and healthy. In common, we all want the best for our loved ones, friends, etc.
As for me it’s all mind over matter and having the will power and faith to stay strong. And think the best because what you think will manifest so always think your best. I always hope for the best and prepare for the worst, but I give it all to the most high. I think for the most part staff and inmates alike are just trying to overcome these challenging times.
I’ll keep it brief until I receive a response to know if anyone has received this letter. I wasn’t quite sure who I addressed this letter out to, so it said [redacted] and mentioned [redacted] so I hope we can help y’all accomplish your objective and let me know and I’ll do a better draft. I’m trying to make sure this is real.
Yours truly.
Do y’all accept pictures to know who you’re corresponding with because I can include one.