This letter was written by a person incarcerated at Orange County Theo Lacy Jail.
Dear PrisonPandemic,
I mean, I didn’t even try to steal anything they weren’t even behind the counter so that I could pay. I had a Red Bull in my hand and the dude just grabbed me and tackled me and put me under citizens arrest till the cops arrived. The district attorney went ahead and pressed full on robbery charges and gave me a nine year sentence!
Now they’re letting me out early to do a program under mental health bs. They just press charges on everyone no matter what, its no wonder so many law enforcement suicides were occurring. Wrongful convictions one after another. The majority of Blacks in prison turn out to be wrongfully convicted.
I’m just hoping that I can somehow salvage the five years of wasted time by a civil suit or something for wrongful imprisonment and malicious prosecution, and cruel and unusual punishment.
My neighbor from cell tells me I was supposed to be charged with attempted petty theft because I didn’t have a weapon, no intent, and it was not over nine hundred dollars. It was only two dollars something for Christ’s sake.
I believe everything is connected in a way in American society. I believe government misbehavior can have consequences like COVID-19. It’s good to see police like the one who killed George Floyd get convicted. I believe the power was long in need of a check and balance.
But enough about what I believe, I’ll tell you something I know, in this city there district attorneys have an attitude and an agenda that is such: “We will convict anyone and everyone for absolutely any reason we want to innocent or not you don’t like it, tough. Take it up with the appeals court.”
And it sucks. It fucking sucks when the power where you live is evil and corrupt and don’t give a fuck and have no morals. And they wrongfully convict you and can just take years of your life away for nothing.
PS. Whoever wrote the letter to me, she is a well-polished writer.