This letter was written by a person incarcerated at Tehachapi.
Dear PrisonPandemic,
Well for us we been coming by looking at our television. Most stories we receive are from friends and family. But it got to points when our masks storing coming to us passing them out and now we are enforce to wear. There been a lot of deaths in our country even my own family are quarantine.
I seen trucks of people dead. People in the news in here. We are getting tested and we hear the vaccine is coming. Some people have with the COVID-19 in here.
I just hope I don’t get it for sometime.
A lot of people were getting it but it slow down. Am wondering how is the world being free everybody with mask on. I would of been scare people with mask. I just hope it goes away soon.
My family is ready to visit but we just have to wait. Life is waiting so is almost the something. So that my story with this pandemic.