This story was told by a person incarcerated at Fresno County Jail.
UCI: And what has it been like for you to have reduced visitation and programming?
Caller: Excuse me? What did you say?
UCI: I asked you what it must have been like for you to have reduced visitation and programming?
Caller: Yeah, it’s kind of hard, you know, because I want to see my mama, you know, or my grandmama, you know, and we can’t get no visits, you know, if we’re on quarantine, which we currently, right now, are on quarantine.
UCI: And how long will this quarantine last for you?
Caller: 17 days.
UCI: And are you allowed to see people after those 17 days?
Caller: Yeah, we are allowed to see people after those 17 days, but it’s only on each Monday.
UCI: Is there anything else you want people to know about your experience?
Caller: Yeah there’s a – well, there’s not really nothing else to say further through the phone. Would you like to hear stories from other people while you are on this phone conversation right now?
UCI: I think I would rather hear your stories first.
Caller: All right. Thank you. Well, yeah, it does get a little out of hand in here when people got COVID, you know, but, I mean, as long as we don’t put in those sick call slips and try to leave the pod, we’re good.
Yeah, because if we put in a sick call slip, and we try to say that we are sick, they’ll take us out of the pod and put the whole pod on quarantine. And nobody wants to be on quarantine because if you get put on quarantine, you don’t go to court. You can’t get your time sent in, just none of that.
They won’t allow that. Yeah, you can’t go to court and finish with your case or nothing, you know. That’s all I got to share.