This story was told by a person incarcerated at Mule Creek.
UCI: So how has the COVID-19 situation at your facility affected your loved ones? Are you still able to see people or has that been cut off since, like, March?
Caller: Well, it was, I was in the first group, so everything was rough then. I still had access to a phone to talk to my loved ones, and things of that nature. But for a lot of others, because my situation is a little different, you know, depending, considering my job here.
UCI: Mhm.
Caller: But for a lot of others, no, it was very hard for them. Especially in the beginning, when mail was not existent, and mail was still behind based on holidays, but they didn’t want to touch our mail, they said due to COVID, they didn’t want to exchange mail or pick up mail. So yeah, it was a big deal, like, in the beginning it was difficult.