This story was told by a person incarcerated at Solano.
Caller: So, we don’t know which test- like I said they’ve given us seven or eight tests up to this point. So, we don’t know which test popped positive, which is negative. Or even if we did pop positive. Because a lot of us are conspiracy theorists and, you know, there’s a lot of conspiracy theories, a lot of doubt, paranoia. And a lot of us feel like what we’re suffering through is flu symptoms. And they’re outlining them as COVID-19 to get revenue from the federal government, or to enlist more medical staff. I don’t- we don’t know what they’re doing.
UCI: Mhmm.
Caller: But a lot of us are not like suffering severe- we’re getting some non-life-threatening, moderate symptoms from this virus. Whatever it is, we’re suffering up here. There’s a handful of guys that have been hospitalized but by in large, you- we have moderate to non-severe symptoms up here. Right. Now that’s to not to say that it couldn’t get worse.