This story was told by a person incarcerated at Ventura County Main Jail.
UCI: Wow, that must be really tough. How are you coping with all of this?
Caller: I guess I was reading a book and I finished it. I’m trying, I don’t know, I guess I’m trying not to think about it as much. They [unintelligible] and I felt like they brought me into a place that’s even more unsanitary. Another way I guess is communicating, you know. Like even speaking with you is kind of helping me cope with what’s going on.
UCI: And are you able to talk with loved ones as well? Or no.
Caller: Yeah, yeah, sometimes. Depending if I’m able to get on the phone.
UCI: And how often are you able to get the phone?
Caller: Depends on if nobody is using it. I could probably get it maybe once a day.
UCI: Okay. So the officers aren’t restricting it. It’s more just taking turns?
Caller: Yeah, that and, yeah, that could be it.
UCI: Do you have access to programming or anything while you are in lockdown?
Caller: No, no programs. Nothing.
UCI: And so what if you wanted to clean your cell? Are you able to do that? Tell me about that experience.
Caller: Nope. No, nothing. No cleaners, no disinfectants, no sponge. There’s a bunch of trash that’s been left from prior people being in here. It’s just dirty.
UCI: Were they still making everyone clean even before the outbreak?
Caller: In the hole or in the regular general population?
UCI: Either or both.
Caller: Well, I mean, the general population, yeah. But in the hole, they don’t give you nothing.
UCI: And have people been vaccinated at the facility? Have you seen that help the number of cases?
Caller: That, I’m not too sure.
UCI: Well how’s this all been affecting your family?
Caller: That, well I guess they are just worried for me because they are not sure what is going on in here. I mean, I’m limited to you know, some type of information to even tell them.
UCI: Yeah, have they tried themselves to call the facility and get information?
Caller: No, not really. I’m actually kind of on my own out here. Kind of, you know? Yeah.
UCI: Yeah, I’m really sorry.
Caller: You’re probably the one person I’ve talked to about being in here.