This story was told by a person incarcerated at Chowchilla.
Caller: I’m a nonviolent three-striker, and I’m still trying to figure out how to get out of here. And I’ve been down extra. I’ve been down a total of 28 years, but I have 21 years that I was supposed to be home based on Prop 57. And no one in this prison can help me get off.
So, I don’t know what to do with COVID. When it comes to again, do I submit, do I what? You know, is it gonna wipe me out this time? I don’t know what to do.
UCI: That’s awful, and I’m sorry to hear that, and I hope that it gets easier, and you stay safe, of course, and healthy. So, you mentioned how you have less contact with your loved ones. Have you heard anything from them about how this situation in your facility has affected them?
Caller: I know for a fact that when I spoke to my mother, who has been my ride or die this entire 28 years, I know that she was outraged that she couldn’t hear my voice every two days. I’m in my 50s, she’s in her 80s, and she’s like, “Babygirl, I don’t want to leave you dead or in that place. So you need to find a way to call me every two days.”
And I know for a fact she called the administration of the CDC – of CCWF and got through to someone, and I was allowed to call her. So I don’t know, you know, I just know that her description is like having a child in the tree, or in a basket and you know, you can’t reach your child. That’s a description of how COVID and me being away from her after all these years, trying to get there, and COVID came, so, you know?
UCI: Yeah, I understand. And then, I just have one last question before we end the call. How is the vaccination process been at your facility?
Caller: They actually started with the high-risk people. They gave them the opportunity, and now they’re to medium risk and I’m a medium-risk person, and I guess people come behind that. But I will give it to the nurses.
They are working around the clock in here, most of them, with a jovial attitude, and they’re not being pessimistic or anything. So they’ve been really polite, they explain any questions that I’ve asked them. And I received my card on Saturday. So, yeah.
UCI: That is wonderful to hear, and thank you very much for participating in PrisonPandemic. Please consider telling your friends about us and seeing if they would like to call in.
Caller: I most certainly will. You have a blessed day.
UCI: You too.