This story was told by a person incarcerated at Robert Presley Detention Center.
UCI: Okay, and what has the COVID situation been like at your facility?
Caller: It’s not good.
UCI: How is it not good?
Caller: Several people came up positive. They never quarantined us. When new arrivals come in from the basement you have folks who make it through intake and are never tested, they just send them straight in to the general population.
UCI: Mh-hmm. And so it has been spreading that way?
Caller: It has.
UCI: Okay, and now that a vaccination has become available how has that situation been like at your facility?
Caller: Probably half and half. Half – Probably half of the people here responded to it. Half of us, I’m one of them, I just don’t trust it therefore I refuse to take it.
UCI: Mh-hmm. And so, but they have been offering it?
Caller: They have.
UCI: Okay, and, like, what has it been like for you to have reduced visitation and programming?
Caller: Our visits were just recently restored. Because my parents are seniors and they’re at a higher risk they still refuse to come inside the jail. Just for their own safety, and I understand that.